Wonder Woman

Oh boy, here we go. I'm going to start with what I liked. Gal Gadot is pitch-perfect, which makes the second DCEU film in which she was basically the only stand-out part. Chris Pine was good, but his character was part of a deeply flawed third act. The second act action set-piece was wonderful in every way, with gorgeous shots and really fun fight choreography. In fact, the opening action sequence was quite solid as well.

Unfortunately, from literally the first line of dialogue, I knew we were in a lot of trouble. That started a trend of, every 20-25 minutes or so, a character spouting something so offensively stupid that it ripped me out of whatever hold the film had on me. At least one of the characters in the film does literal zero relevant things. The third act final fight is beyond lifeless, and I couldn't believe that this film ended on such a weak confrontation.

I love that the film tried to do some great things; a strong female-led superhero film, an anti-war, pro-peace-and-love message, etc. Any time Gadot was ignoring the fools trying to control her, magic happened. But the events that occurred in the back half of the film between Gadot and Pine were largely unearned, and undermined some crucial themes of the film in my eyes. All of this culminates in easily the best film of the DCEU, but WONDER WOMAN only barely limps over that very, very low bar.
