Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Leading up to the release, I kept my exposure to trailers and news at a minimum, in an attempt to control my excitement a bit, lest I get tricked by a Star Wars film again. But in the final few days, I couldn't contain myself. I was excited. My expectations had been raised to an unrealistically high level. Imagine my surprise when they weren't only met, but surpassed!

This film is capital F-U-N fun. It's humorous, the characters are great, and the performances better. I'd note some of the more exceptional examples, but I'd end up listing most of the cast. The action beats were exhilarating. Essentially, I sat in my chair struck with childlike wonder for the duration of the runtime, and that's one of the best things I can think of to say about a film.

It isn't a perfect film; it isn't the best Star Wars film nor the best movie of the year. But it is really, really damn good, and I couldn't be happier or more excited for the future of the franchise. It truly feels like everyone involved was oozing passion and respect for the original trilogy. This is truly one of the best times I've had in the theater in a long time.

I'm thrilled to be able to do this:
