Starship Troopers [Revisit]

Campy and goofy fun, with a light bit of military commentary to boot. The acting hasn't aged well, but the visual effects are still work pretty well.


Kubo and the Two Strings [Revisit]

The narrative in this film has a lot of really interesting takes on the adventure genre, and it's backed up with fantastic stop-motion visuals and touching emotional core.


War for the Planet of the Apes

The conclusion to this series met every expectation I had, and then some. It was a pitch-perfect finale with some stunning visuals. WAR closes out one of the very finest trilogies of all time.


Dawn of the Planet of the Apes [Revisit]

Everything that is great from the first film is expanded upon here, and a gorgeously Shakespearean narrative is added to the mix. The characters in this film all exhibit growth and depth, and this series continues to blow me away.


Rise of the Planet of the Apes [Revisit]

This film is breathtaking, and the relationship between Caesar and Franco's character is beautiful and absolutely devastating. All of the motion capture performances are also top-notch.


Moonrise Kingdom [Revisit]

I'm a huge Wes Anderson fan, and this film is among his best works. It's a beautiful coming-of-age tale with some truly great performances and Anderson's trademark style.


The Bad Batch

I was really on-board with this film's aesthetic, but the plot was insufferably paced and I found most parts of the film really unsatisfying.


The Other Guys [Revisit]

Will Ferrell is on point, and little is more hilarious than a comedic Mark Wahlberg performance. The supporting cast is also uproariously funny.


Spiderman: Homecoming

Spiderman films have always gotten the character wrong in my mind. This is the first that finally realized that they should have always been Peter Parker films first. There are so many wonderful little details and set-pieces from this film, I'm not sure what to highlight. Tom Holland and Michael Keaton are sublime casting, and RDJ delivers as always.


The Big Sick

This film is nothing short of stunning. It is a true work of art that transcends genre, while simultaneously being equal parts devastating and hilarious. It is a masterpiece, and an easy front-runner for best film of the year.


The Sitter [Revisit]

This was a surprising little film that had more charm and genuine comedy than I had expected. Hill does his usual shtick, and the supporting cast is a lot of fun, including the kids.


Horrible Bosses 2 [Revisit]

This plot is missing a bit of the creativity of the first, but picks up some superb new antagonists for the guys to clash with.


Horrible Bosses [Revisit]

This comedic team really worked for me, and the plot was unique and intriguing, with a large cast of colorful support characters.


Pump Up the Volume

The plot isn't much more than a typical 'small guy against The Man' story, but Christian Slater is great in the 'small guy' role, and delivers some fantastic monologues throughout the film.


Hot Tub Time Machine 2 [Revisit]

The lack of Cusack's character is really felt here, as much of the depth and heart is missing. That being said, this film functions as an above-average R-rated comedy, and is worth checking out if you enjoyed the first.


Hot Tub Time Machine [Revisit]

This film has all the charm and hilarity that you'd expect from a solid R-rated comedy, but also has a lot of heart and some great takeaway messages.


Amelie [Revisit]

A wonderful, quirky film with a genuine, heartfelt message that everyone could stand to see a bit more often.


Personal Shopper

I found this to be a wonderful slow-burn of a unique ghost story. It is far from the 'jump scare'-fest we are used to from this genre, and instead a gorgeous reflection on loss and letting go.



Although the message is very heavy-handed here, the film is touching and surprisingly exciting at times. The protagonist is fierce and fearless, Gyllenhaal is great in another weird, over-the-top role, and the titular super-pig is charming and adorable.


Me and Earl and the Dying Girl [Revisit]

I had forgotten how impactful this film was. The performances from the young leads were all incredibly demanding, but they rose to the challenge. The film is quirky and fun at times, but it certainly packs a huge emotional wallop.


Baby Driver

This film is simply incredible. Edgar Wright brings every element of film-making together in a glorious, exciting, and beautiful demonstration of his prowess. It's part musical, part heist film, part car chase action, and all tremendous.
